Oh That I Would Ever Wonder



Oh That I Would Ever Wonder


Oh why is it, that I would ever wonder, how You know
Each person’s need, each person’s hurt, each person’s heart.
Why oh why is it that I would ever wonder how You know.
You are so faithful, so true.
Giving constant abiding love.
Unspoken to anyone, You hear the small voices inside the heart.
You hear the cry of Your child.
And in ways so gentle you work, You speak.
We have to listen or we will not hear or see.
The need is met, the heart and the hurts are comforted.
Love is given, love is shown.
Comforting the cry of Your child.
Oh, why is it that I would ever wonder how You know.                                                                                                                           Gay Nell Olive



10 thoughts on “Oh That I Would Ever Wonder

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