Fish Eating Beneath Water Fall

As a wife, mother, grandmother, and a nurse, I suddenly became the patient who did not recognize the body I was in or the mind that was in my body. After a catastrophic event left me with strokes on both sides of my brain, I was not physically well enough to qualify for outpatient physical therapy for over a year. Each year has brought a new challenge and more therapy. Without God’s grace and mercy I know I would not be alive today. Even though the recovery has been long, I am excited today that we moved to the country. I love nature and enjoy taking pictures.  I hope to share  the world around me with pictures and poems to show God’s love and grace for all and bring glory to His name.

18 thoughts on “ABOUT

  1. I’m sorry to learn of the struggle and hardship you’ve been through. Your spirit, motivation and drive really comes through, though, in this introductory About page. I wish you well!

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  2. Thank you so much for visiting my blog!
    I have enjoyed viewing some of your photos and poems. It sounds like you have been through a lot. I hope that you will continue to recover and that your new surroundings will be an aid.
    God’s Blessings to you,
    ~ Crystal

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  3. Crystal Ann thank you. We moved to the country early in my recovery stage when my mind and body were not functioning together. This was in 2007. The move was very therapeutic in so many ways. I continued to improve and it seemed I had to keep jumping hurdles. But I didn’t worry about the hurdle because I knew if I didn’t make it over it,everything would be alright. God’s continued blessings on you Crystal Ann through your journey.

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  4. Thank you for your encouraging words Mia. Blogging has been one of the best therapys for my mind and God gave that to me. I know He also has brought more Christian bloggers to my site at a time when I had a need. His grace and love gives us a peace that words can not explain. Thank you again for your words of encouragement. I so glad you like the pictures and my blog.

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