Why Renewing of Mind and Body ?

It occurred to me that I never shared why I chose the name of my blog to be Renewing of Mind and Body. At the time I began the process of starting the blog, I was still lost in my mind and body. In many ways I still may be. I had attended a few writer’s conferences and listened carefully as others talked about having blogs. I thought to myself, I could never do that. I continued to listen and a strong desire to share God’s grace and love in this way grew and grew. I had been typing one finger at a time to write my story. Unable to organize or make outlines, I just typed the story. When I first started, I had great problems with word recall but the writing was easier than talking. Word check on the laptop is fantastic. I really did not know what I was doing or how to accomplish writing skills   I just knew my desire was to share my story of God’s mercy and grace.and it. I sat with my laptop searching and reading and created the blog. I knew that it was not Gay Nell Olive creating the blog. The name Renewing of Mind and Body originated because I knew without a doubt God was renewing my mind and my body.
As a young person, I was in a speaker’s tournament and I gave a speech on the verse in Romans 12:2, Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God. I knew God had been with me throughout my whole life. I had to relearn so much after my strokes. I didn’t even know where passages of scripture were found in the Bible. I was in a body I didn’t know with a mind I didn’t know. The one thing I knew was I was still alive. That meant there was still a purpose for my life. So I just started with eagerness and excitement to try and create a blog. The name to me was evident, RenewingofMindandBody. With God’s help and the Happy Engineers at WordPress answering so many questions, the blog was started.
I thank each of you with much sincerity who have supported me and liked my post. I have had many obstacles, that have made it really difficult at times to continue the blog. But one learns that is what life is all about. We all have trials, difficulties, pain health issues, and grief. Knowing that we can rest in the assurance that all things will work out for the best, according to Christ will, is our peace and strength for each day. Each day presents a challenge, but I have to keep trying. The wonderful thing is, I know with Jesus’ help, I can and will keep doing all that I can. If I do not, I am dishonoring Him and the day He has given me.

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9 thoughts on “Why Renewing of Mind and Body ?

  1. Kae, I’ve been looking at your blog and I really like the way you have it set up.. It is so easy to find your post and see what you are all about. You have a great talent and witness for the Lord.


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